Monthly Archives: April 2013

Writing Prompt April 30, 2013

Make a list of the things that you are worrying about right now.  Then write for 10 minutes about one (or more) of them.

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Writing Prompt of the Day April 29, 2013

Take a newspaper article, cross out whatever words seem unimportant, and circle all the strong nouns and verbs. Are you left with the essence of the piece?  Add words back where you need them. (DeMarco-Barrett, 2004).

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Writing Prompt of the Day April 28, 2013

Take a line from a favorite poem or short story and write a story starting with that line.  (DeMarco-Barrett, 2004)

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Writing Prompt of the Day 4/27/13

Make a list of your 10 favorite things.  Write a few paragraphs about one of the items on your list.

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Writing Prompt of the Day 4/26/13

Write about something that happened in your life that was a wish come true– something so unusual that it seems like it came from a movie.

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Writing Prompt of the Day 4/25/13

Write about a tree that is important to you.

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Writing Prompt of the Day 4/24/13

Read Lucille Clifton’s poem, “Scar” in the Poems section. Tell the story of your scar. (Sharon Bray, Writing Through Cancer)

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Writing Prompt of the Day 4/23/13

Write a letter to yourself before cancer, or to the self that you have become with cancer.  (Source: Sharon Bray, A Healing Journey)

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