Write about a time when you made a mistake–big or little. How did you try and fix it? How do you wish you had fixed it? Write for 20 minutes.
Monthly Archives: July 2015
Writing Prompt- July 25th, 2015
Write about a time you were lost–in a place or in your life. Write for 20 minutes.
Filed under Prompt of the Day
Fear – a collaborative poem by Gilda’s Club Writing Workshop Summer 2015
What a surprise–it was never expected
What again? Wow, God is trying to tell me something!
I hope I can beat the odds on this one.
Fear suffocates me, if I let it, but I can’t let it–can I?
So there’s no escape, I must exist with a new scarred reality
My diagnosis is not fatal
I fear my cancer growing somewhere in the body that will deem it inoperable.
Filed under Writing
Chemotherapy Gratitude– a collaborative poem by Gilda’s Club Writing Workshop Summer 2015
It’s a mixed bag
My emotions run the gamut
The most disgusting and challenging experience of my entire life
For being alive in the moment, to love the sounds of birds in the morning
The yucky stuff going through my body is healing this sickness
God giving me another chance in life
What good does fear do?
It’s all good!
Paradoxes abound as my body struggles
Not to mention all the good gifts!
It’s both the end and the beginning.
For another day. Friends, family, opportunity to be the best I can be.
Life and health
Filed under Uncategorized
Radiation – a collaborative poem by Gilda’s Club Writing Workshop Summer 2015
X-rays do your thing.
Hopeful to prevent future cancer cells
What an ordeal!
Making me weak and irritable
I hated radiation but the techs were great.
When it was zapping me I felt like it was healing me.
One acquaintance I met and discarded
Brighten up y’all!
Filed under Writing
Scar – a collaborative poem by Gilda’s Club Writing Workshop Summer 2015
Are my scars going to change me? No way!
Where’s my scar? Over thar?
No, it’s on my nose–right thar!
I’m so scared–am I going to wake up?
I only cried right before.
Sleeping without memory, awake with happiness and surprise
Bye, bye, boobie!
Scars are marks of courage and triumph
A real beauty!
I will try and be strong and brave.
Filed under Uncategorized
Fear – a collaborative poem by Gilda’s Club Writing Workshop Summer 2015
Always present, must be confronted
This is serious!
Fear and anxiety are fighting my sanity
Every diagnosis I become scared and afraid
Diagnosis conflicts with my well-being
I don’t want to fear anything
You will not get me down
I will overcome with positivity
For the little things–a smile makes my day.
Filed under Writing
Writing Prompt – July 14, 2015
Make a list poem starting each sentence with either “I believe”, “I want to believe”, or “I used to believe”. Write for 15-20 minutes.
Filed under Prompt of the Day
My Healing Place by Andrea Horowitz
My healing place
is on a boat
In the middle of
The mighty ocean.
The wind is strong
As we move
Over the surface
Of the breaking waters,
White waves,
The smell of the salt water,
A clear blue sky.
Dancing ‘round,
and ‘round
The water’s surface,
Serenading us
with their sweet melody,
in conversation.
Whales diving down,
Surging up,
Swimming ‘round.
Of cool mist,
The school of whales,
Circling ‘round
Diving down.
Tail up!
Beauty Abounds…
As the oceans waters
The width
Of the whale’s tail.
Visit www.andreahorowitz.com to see more of Andrea’s work.
Filed under Writing
Madeline, Rising by Nathan Simmons
From the ashes of your bruised and broken spirit
Your light begins to pierce the darkness
Splitting the black hole in many pieces
So that the spirit that is you shines as it did before
Perhaps more so than before
Like the sun, the stars, the moon
A hundred flittering butterflies hither and thither
Bursting forth into the light
From darkness to light, from death to life
More full, brighter than ever before, healed and
Brimming over with the energy of a thousand suns
Spreading out over all of us, itself healing as it goes
Filling the darkness with light, laughter, happiness, and love
All speckled with your glitter of gladness
Rising like a wave of light bathing us with glee
You and me and us and them
Brightened by your rising
By your resurrection
By your blithe spirit
By the smile you once had lost and now encouraged
And found again and given back to make us all
Partners of your rising