Category Archives: Prompt of the Day

Writing Prompt – July 25th, 2015

Write about a time when you made a mistake–big or little.  How did you try and fix it?  How do you wish you had fixed it?  Write for 20 minutes.

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Writing Prompt- July 25th, 2015

Write about a time you were lost–in a place or in your life.  Write for 20 minutes.

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Writing Prompt – July 14, 2015

Make a list poem starting each sentence with either “I believe”, “I want to believe”, or “I used to believe”.  Write for 15-20 minutes.

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What are You? –Writing Prompt- “I am”

From poemcrazy by Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge:

Jot down in a list the first thing you see when you ask yourself,


If I were a color, what color would I be? (From red to the inside-of-a-watermelon-seed color.)

What shape would I be? (Whatever you see – an airplane wing shape, a boot shape, a parallelogram, a cone, a diamond.)

If I were a movement, what movement would I be? (glide, hop, wiggle, spin)

What sound?

What animal?

What song?

What number? (infinity, googolplex, eight, sixteen)

What car? (Details: year, color, condition)

What piece of furniture?

What food?

What musical instrument?

What place?

What element in nature? (dust, galaxy, waterfall)

What kind of a tree?

What’s something I’m afraid of?

What’s the word hiding my eyes?

Put down the words             I am…

Write about yourself using answers to the questions above as well as  using strong verbs (such as: spin, clarify, fiddle, fling, dibble, lunge, slug, slam, spiral, rehearse, splurge, balance, value, love, leap, stop, reply…)

Don’t think.  See images.  Daydream with words.  Wander.  Define yourself.


If you get tired of I am, start lines with

I will be

I want to be

I used to be

I let go of

I’ve forgotten

I remember

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Writing Prompt-Helping Hands

Finding support helps you feel less alone on the cancer journey.  List a few experiences where someone helped you (perhaps unexpectedly).  Write for 15 minutes describing one or more of those experiences of kindness or friendship (Bray, 2006).

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A Quilt of Poetry

Interesting article in NY Times about pieced poems.  Can you add a few lines about your experience with cancer?

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Filed under Articles, Prompt of the Day

Writing Prompt April 30, 2013

Make a list of the things that you are worrying about right now.  Then write for 10 minutes about one (or more) of them.

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Writing Prompt of the Day April 29, 2013

Take a newspaper article, cross out whatever words seem unimportant, and circle all the strong nouns and verbs. Are you left with the essence of the piece?  Add words back where you need them. (DeMarco-Barrett, 2004).

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Writing Prompt of the Day April 28, 2013

Take a line from a favorite poem or short story and write a story starting with that line.  (DeMarco-Barrett, 2004)

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Writing Prompt of the Day 4/27/13

Make a list of your 10 favorite things.  Write a few paragraphs about one of the items on your list.

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