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Powerful article on expressive poetry

Austin boy’s poem about mom’s cancer being made into short film” by Chris Yu

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Chemotherapy Gratitude– a collaborative poem by Gilda’s Club Writing Workshop Summer 2015

It’s a mixed bag
My emotions run the gamut
The most disgusting and challenging experience of my entire life

For being alive in the moment, to love the sounds of birds in the morning
The yucky stuff going through my body is healing this sickness
God giving me another chance in life

What good does fear do?
It’s all good!
Paradoxes abound as my body struggles
Not to mention all the good gifts!

It’s both the end and the beginning.
For another day.  Friends, family, opportunity to be the best I can be.
Life and health

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Scar – a collaborative poem by Gilda’s Club Writing Workshop Summer 2015

Are my scars going to change me?  No way!
Where’s my scar?  Over thar?
No, it’s on my nose–right thar!

I’m so scared–am I going to wake up?
I only cried right before.
Sleeping without memory, awake with happiness and surprise

Bye, bye, boobie!
Scars are marks of courage and triumph
A real beauty!

I will try and be strong and brave.

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I Remember the Farm by Sam I. Gellens

Its fields and stream and woods as havens from a toxic family and the physical and verbal abuse of my father
The acute awareness of the passage of seasons–long hot days of summer, the crispness of autumn, a child’s excitement getting snowed in, which meant no school the following day, and the brightness of spring and a time of planting…from the early stages of life through a substantial portion of adolescence
My room with its own fireplace, the place where I felt safe and toy soldiers were my friends and the gateway to my love of the study of history
A time of life without illness in a place of dreaming and imagining during a mostly solitary childhood
The rare pleasure of working together with my father designing and building a small coop for my little flock of colorful bantam chickens, the leader of which was a rooster I named FDR
Raising and showing Polled Hereford cattle and actually winning a junior showmanship award in 1962 which included a letter of commendation from the NJ Secretary of Agriculture and a brass commemorative bowl!
135 acres nestled in a corner of NJ steeped in colonial history and the Revolutionary War- “Washington Crossing the Delaware”, battles at Trenton and Princeton
The 38,000 broiler birds my father raised annually and how labor-intensive doing so was
A setting in which I was a very troubled kid with few if any friends beyond my toy soldiers and animals, a fair-to-middling student, always labeled a “gifted underachiever”

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To My Heart – Where It Has Led Me by Mickey Stagg

Dedicated to my sons

What a journey it has been!
It has brought me over hill and dale,
to sparkling rivers, streams, brooks,
with my trusty dog underfoot.
It has brought me to various colors of the meadows,
to the green of majestic trees, the blue of the sky,
and the whiteness of the clouds.

It has led me to heartbreak, first, young love
with smiles unfulfilled, kisses unmet.
It has brought me to marriage, true love and sharing,
which I first did not understand.
But life has a way of teaching.

It has led me to a small hand placed in mine
with all the confidence in the world
that I would protect and guide this little being
as father, teacher or friend.

It has brought me to dark, cold, and lonely roads
where there is no light,
only faith can show the way.

It brought me to a place of gratitude,
for I have learned, that when I helped you,
I also greatly helped me.

It has brought me to a sense of family,
caring, loving, compassionate, yet sometimes not understanding,
family with all our differences, strong wills, independence,
we have remained as one, together.

I have no regrets or remorse about where my heart has led me!
It has shown me the joys, the beauty, and the wonderfulness of life,
the mountains of triumph and the valleys of defeat,
the warmth of love, and the pain of loss.

With these words, I promise you, I will continue to follow my heart.


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Writing Prompt-Helping Hands

Finding support helps you feel less alone on the cancer journey.  List a few experiences where someone helped you (perhaps unexpectedly).  Write for 15 minutes describing one or more of those experiences of kindness or friendship (Bray, 2006).

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Link: Interview with Karin Miller–The Cancer Poetry Project

Here’s an interesting interview with Karin Miller, the editor of the Cancer Poetry Project Anthology.

Interview with Karin Miller, Editor of The Cancer Poetry Project Anthology

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Healing Through Writing at Ruth Keeler Memorial Library

I will be leading a writing workshop for cancer patients, survivors, and family members at Ruth Keeler Memorial Library in North Salem, NY beginning September 20th at 10:00am.  It will be held the third Friday of every month from 10:00am-11:30am.  No writing experience is necessary and all are welcome. Healing Through Writing flyer

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